Kickoff session: May 20, 2021

We are delighted to announce our panel of speakers for the 2021 Kickoff Session of GDR Interfacial Soft Matter

Connection link for the online event:

The purpose of this online session is to introduce the main topics and set the stage of the GDR through exploratory presentations, by our panel members, of their domains of expertise. Each speaker will present for roughly 20 minutes followed by a short, open discussion.

The speakers are : 

Thomas Salez, LOMA, U. Bordeaux :  Mechanics of interfacial soft matter 

Anne-Laure Biance, ILM, ENS Lyon :  Electrolytes in contact with surfaces 

Olivier Dauchot, Gulliver, ESPCI-PSL :   Active Matter 

Mohamed Chehimi, ICMPE, U. Paris Est :  Soft functional layers

Yvette Tran, SIMM, ESPCI-PSL :  Structure/property relations

We will start the meeting at 14h00 on 20 May and expect to finish (nominally) at 16h00. Details for joining the online kickoff meeting will come in the weeks preceding 20 May. Please mark the date in your calendars if you have not already done so !